MELBOURNE: The little veggie patch

The Little Veggie Patch Co (LVPC) is a business dedicated to helping people grow food and they believe it is something that everyone can do, regardless of your skill-set or space at your disposal. So no matter whether you live in an inner city apartment or a block of land in the sprawling suburbs, LVPC will have you growing your own produce in no time.

ZEA worked with the a previous Little Veggie Patch project, Pop Up Patch, to understand their need to manage the food waste (mainly coffee grounds) from their newly opened cafe as well as the excess of garden waste coming from the veggie crates.

 ZEA funded a flow through worm farm with the capacity to host over 20,000 worms and process more than 700 kilograms of food and green waste per year.   By using the vermicompost and worm juice the soil will receive an incredible boost of fertility benefiting the plants and ultimately the users of this iconic urban garden right in the middle of the city of Melbourne.  

The system funded to the Pop Up Patch is currently being used at The Little Veggie Patch since PUP had to close in Fed Square in late 2016. 

ZEA PROJECT IMPACT:  700 kilograms of food waste transformed into fertile soil every year.


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