Abbotsford Primary School is a small bilingual (Mandarin/English) primary school in the inner city of Melbourne. It has approximately 150 students from a diverse range of backgrounds, and has a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
Many families live in apartments or houses with limited outdoor space. The school’s Growing Together’ program provides opportunities for children and their families to learn about environmental sustainability and to engage in gardening, composting, worm farming and raising chickens.
ZEA Hungry Goods has provided two Hungry Bins (flow through worm farms) to enable the school to turn food scraps and waste paper into worm castings and worm juice to feed the school’s kitchen gardens. The school is also working with the City of Yarra’s Food Know How Program to provide opportunities for its families and the broader community to learn about composting and worm farming and assist in reducing food waste in their homes.
ZEA PROJECT IMPACT: 400 kilograms of food waste transformed into fertile soil every year.